OMG hahaha
That is a classic there. I love it. I think it has the perfect length to it. I crack up so hard when he punches him and how the mimic just slowly goes backwards. NIcely done.
OMG hahaha
That is a classic there. I love it. I think it has the perfect length to it. I crack up so hard when he punches him and how the mimic just slowly goes backwards. NIcely done.
wellity wellity
ummm they were not bad... I liked the ja rule thing and the pres selling the cd and he keeps staring at the screen. The helicopter one used peach on the faces!!! and when the missile hit the tail it had yellow and orange we have a cheater on our hands... and no one really used red.
good goly mista
oh man... ive watched this everyday for the past 5 days, this is one of those videos you can go back to if your down. The tiger with the fork and knife kills me. Very good animation and song. Good thinking on making it loop forever half the people dont know it ended 5 minutes prior.
i giggled like a lil school girl
very nicely done. I laughed so hard when they went into the pokemon battle and in the first part when he opened up the instruction manual. Good animation and sound keep it up. Cant wait for epsiode 2.
hmmm interesting
hey brak1 the song is "intermission" by The Offspring from the cd ixnay on the hombre if your interested... number 9 i do beleive on there. great cd. Oh and the flash was neat im not a fan of puke but monkeys make me feel better inside.
Age 40, Male
Virtual Development
Joined on 2/1/04